Yorkshire Scare Grounds Scream Park 10 Years of Fear!
Next up for us was a trip to Yorkshire Scaregrounds on the appropriately named Hell Lane near Wakefield in West Yorkshire. We’ve visited a few times in the past and have had a bit of a mixed time previously to be honest. So we went in with a bit of trepidation as Yorkshire Scaregrounds were celebrating ‘10 Years of Fears’. We rocked up early, as we had another event to attend afterwards, but also because one of the strongest elements we’ve experienced previously was the brilliant and entertaining street team who move about and interact with everyone in the queue line before you go in.
Thankfully this element was just as good as previous versions and all the actors were on top form, providing plenty of banter and photo opportunities with everyone waiting to get in. It’s well worth getting there for opening if you can to experience this. Yorkshire Scaregrounds is a linear attraction featuring 5 different scare mazes and 2 new scare zones. The sections are a variety of indoor and outdoor, and whilst it was still a bit light when we went through, we didn’t feel this detracted too much from the outdoor section.
For the main sections first up was ‘Factory of Fear’ which provided a decent solid start to proceedings it had some nice set design and reasonable scares. Next up was ‘Totally Tropical Terror’, unfortunately this section just didn’t quite hit for us and felt more like a scare zone, than a named maze. The pace was picked up with ‘Black Death’ which had some fun theatrical elements rather than jump scares. One of the actors also kept track of our group as they ushered us into proceedings and saw us leave at the end. This was a nice touch which was kept up in the final two mazes.
‘Haunted Hotel’ was our favourite section, featuring a good mix of theatrical elements and traditional jump scares. Some really fun effects, superb sets and design and some of the worst smells we’ve experienced so far. ‘Hospital Hell’ kept up the good work in the final maze section before the familiar finale with the street team right at the end.
The two scare zones were good, with some nice elements and some game actors, but not as stand out as the rest of the sections on offer. After the finale, it’s worth noting that there is a photo opportunity before you are free to explore the food, drink and merch options on offer. It’s worth doing even if you normally shy away from such things.
We enjoyed our time at Yorkshire Scaregrounds, and felt it was an improvement on previous visits. Yorkshire Scaregrounds runs on select dates through to the end of October.