Tag Archives: Immersive Theatre

Darkfield Reviews

Darkfield – Arcade – Nottingham – March 2024 It’s been almost three years since we last went to an all new, all Darkfield show, so when they announced that their fifth and latest shipping container-based show would be opening up

Quietus Horror Reviews

Quietus Horror – Sommeil – March 2022 Way back in Halloween 2020, Quietus Horror, started teasing something new on social media. Obviously due to COVID this new show, Sommeil, didn’t manage to materialise for quite some time. A very limited

Electric Goldfish Reviews

Mansion Electric Goldfish have been behind a number of online only shows which we have previously enjoyed. Mansion is the first step out of the online space for this creative collective who have previous backgrounds with other companies in the

Redemption Room by Secret Theatre Review

6 contestants, 1 hour, a single Zoom call for each contestant to be redeemed. That’s what we had in store on Saturday evening. Each contestant with a different backstory with some activity in their past they are seeking redemption for.

Krampusnacht – VR Immersive Horror Theatre Review

Despite the ongoing lockdown rules causing the closure of physical events and venues, 2020 saw the proliferation of new forms of entertainment mostly through Zoom and other similar video conferencing apps, many of which we got to enjoy and experience

BL4KM4SS Reviews

3DD13 Since I was now on BL4KM4SS’s list of approved members after participating in their first virtual show, 3Y3, a few weeks ago, I was pleasantly surprised to receive an email from them about the dates and times of their

3Y3 – BL4KM4SS

One of the few good things to come out of the global COVID situation has been the creation of more online experiences. We’ve been fortunate to do quite a few different innovative events and escape rooms, that normally we’d never

ISLTN – PDXtreme Horror – Online – 2020

This one will be a pretty short review, which is no reflection of the quality of the show I experienced, just that I’ve been sworn to secrecy about the content. To be honest that’s no bad thing, because if the

Review: Jekyll and Hyde – Fire Hazard Games – Vault Festival, London 2020

The second trip to the Vault Festival in London so far this year, this time to take part in Fire Hazard Games latest event, Jekyll and Hyde. I and another member of our three-strong team had previously enjoyed ‘The Hunted

Review: The Grim – Vault Festival, London – 2020

Having had my first taste of some of the more alternative events at last year’s annual Vault Festival in London, most notably Darkfield’s inventive shipping container shows of Séance and Flight and The Tom Sawyer Effect’s multiple reality solo show,